Literary Citizenry: Six Ways to Support an Author (Please)

Martina Clark
3 min readAug 24, 2021

In three weeks (10/5/21), my first book, My Unexpected Life: An International Memoir of Two Pandemics, HIV and COVID-19, will be released into the world, thanks to Northampton House Press. And, don’t worry, once it is available, I’ll let everyone know where and how to order it online or buy it in a store. EVERYONE!

As I prepare for this surreal and splendid reality, however, I find myself with a gazillion things to do. Like most writers these days, I’m more or less a one woman publicity team. The learning curve is steep, but I’m tackling the beast, a.k.a. preparing to promote my book.

Recently, while speaking with a dear friend, she reminded me of something I absolutely must do: delegate. Not my strong suit–I’m an Aries–but I’m going to try. With that in mind, here are six things you can do to support an author you adore when their book comes out.

1) Read their book. This may seem obvious, but, yeah. Read their book. Buy it if you can afford to (that’s how authors get paid) from an independent bookstore (that’s how they stay in business) or borrow it from the library.

2) Share the love. Write an honest review and post it on the bookseller’s website. If you’re not sure what to write, consider these questions:

  • How would you describe the book to someone else?
  • What was your favorite passage, line, or theme?
  • Why do you think this book matters?

Also, take a picture of the book out in the world and share it with the author. Post it on social media and tag them. Add the book to your Goodreads shelf and review it when read.

3) Encourage others to buy and read the book.

  • Recommend it to your book club, English instructor, or a journalist to cover.
  • Ask your local bookstore to carry it.
  • Similarly, ask your library to carry it.

4) Follow the author on social media and comment on their posts to help raise their profile so others might also learn about the author and book. You can often find them on Twitter, on Instagram, on Facebook, and if they’ve got a day job, probably even on LinkedIn.

5) Subscribe to their mailing list, for example, on their website. Comment on a blog or social media post from their website and ask how you can help promote their writing. Writers love to hear from readers who found their words worthy.

6) Give the book to a friend as a gift. A book can sometimes be the salve another person’s emotional wounds need to heal. Through vulnerability, honesty, laughter, universal truths, shared experiences, and relatable moments, we often feel less alone on our own journeys.

Once my book is available, I’ll let everyone know how and where to find it. Trust me. Until then, practice one–or all–of these ways to support an author you adore. Good literary citizenry helps the word go ‘round. Pun intended.



Martina Clark

My book, My Unexpected Life: An International Memoir of Two Pandemics, HIV and COVID-19, published by Northampton House Press is available in print and audio.