Four Weeks to Pub Date: Call to Action!

Martina Clark
3 min readSep 8, 2021
subway route from writer to book store

In less than four weeks (October 5th, 2021) my memoir–My Unexpected Life: An International Memoir of Two Pandemics, HIV and COVID-19–is scheduled to be released into the world. Soon, I’ll reveal the AWE-SOME cover and links to where it will be available.

But until then, I have a few asks.

Please be a part of my ‘Street Team’ and help me get the word out.

The days of big PR budgets for authors is long gone. Particularly when you’ve been taken under the wing of a small indie press like the AAH-MAZING people at Northampton House Press who are already busting their behinds to bring my book to life. Their incredible devotion to shaping the manuscript (thank you Lenore Hart!) and editing the final draft (thank you David Poyer!) and then creating the cover, (thank you Naya Poyer!) are gifts from the universe.

That means I need your help with the next stages. Word of mouth is one of the best marketing tools available for books. So, if you’d be so kind, here are a few things you could do. I’d be ever so grateful! (Just click the hyperlinks.)

1. Please like my Facebook Writer’s Page. While you’re at it, you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter. Build that platform and yada yada.

2. Please join my mailing list from my website. This way you can get updates about readings or events or simply when I write something new.

3. While the book is not quite ready for purchase, you can add it to your Goodreads “Want To Read” shelf.

4. Prepare to share! A few ways you can share, when it’s out in the world, are:

  • Share a social media post. Something like, “My friend just published her memoir and I’m looking forward to reading it — you should too! Here is the link.”
  • When you have read it, review it on the site where you bought it, Goodreads, the back of a bathroom stall door, wherever! Also, don’t forget to encourage your local library by recommending they acquire a copy.
  • If you read it and like it, (and I hope you will!) consider gifting it during the holidays, on birthdays, for World AIDS Day (December 1st) or for any other random occasion. National ‘Hug Your Cat Day’ is a great option.
  • Recommend it to your book club, your BFF, your loctician, your bus driver (not while she’s driving though), your neighbor, your child’s teacher. People interested in pandemics, COVID-19, the history of HIV/AIDS, activism, the squishy underbelly of the United Nations. People who like to travel. Individuals facing life-threatening disease. Your favorite Gen-Z’er starting out in life. People who just like to read and support new authors.

And, of course, if you have ideas of places where I can share it, publicize it, promote it, please (please, please) do let me know!

Also, please do this for other books and authors you like, as well!

Thank you!



Martina Clark

My book, My Unexpected Life: An International Memoir of Two Pandemics, HIV and COVID-19, published by Northampton House Press is available in print and audio.